Spirit of the Badge

Your Stories

Late Thank You:
Sunday, 30 October 2011 10:51

In 1972 I was 23, I had car trouble on I-5 in Seattle Wa. I pulled over to the shoulder and since it was 3am I decided to sleep in the back seat until daylight. I was fast asleep and heard a tapping sound, I woke up to a flashlite shinning in my face and a voice said what are you doing here? I told the State trooper my problem and he said it was not a good idea to sleep in a parked car on this busy freeway (speed limit then was 70) so he gave me a ride to the next exit and so I could call someone for help. When I got back to where my car was it was gone. I found out my car was at the tow yard, when I got there they showed me my car and I almost fainted, someone had fallen asleep on the freeway doing 70 and rear ended my car. I never did find out that trooper's name but that night he saved my life.

Former LEO
Sunday, 30 October 2011 15:55

Hi Ingrid,

I enjoyed you "appearance" on Coast to Coast and thought I'd share my experience.

I had always wanted to "believe", but never had a real reason to, until an August night in 1977. I was a Rookie Officer of 21, I had been on a small city PD for 4 months. Keep in mind, in those days, you were put on the street prior to attending the Academy.

I was off duty, at home one evening, when over the scanner I heard units and an ambulance dispatched to XXX, XXXXX St. I knew the address! It was that of a couple that I had known for a couple of years. They were an over the road truck driving team. They had two Daughters, 17 and 12,(I knew both well). They would be gone for days/ weeks at a time, the older daughter took care of the household when Mom and Dad were on the road, she was a mature young lady. I did know that she was "smitten" by an EMT who worked for the EMS, he was much older, and a user... This night was to be their first date.

A brief knowing that policemen were approaching my car
Sunday, 30 October 2011 16:06

Hi, Ingrid. I enjoyed listening to your interview on Coast as well as the wonderful stories told by the policemen.

I haven't much to add, but years ago during a time when I was meditating on a fairly regular basis, I often had strange occurences, mostly fits of strong intuition. Those "knowings" usually helped save me or someone from danger, but an odd side effect was that I knew when the police cars would be approaching my car.

listen to that gut!
Thursday, 17 November 2011 04:04


I wanted to share a story with you as you requested on Coast to Coast.

My name is Steven LaPlume. I was a military Police man, (actually called a security Policeman in the Air force) witness at the RAF Bentwaters/Rendlesham forest UFO incident. But my story happened a few years later when I was an Auxiliary Police officer n Leominster Massachusetts.

This incident happened about 1984.

Ghost Man
Saturday, 24 March 2012 11:49

Living downriver I have been in a position to hear some fascinating stories -- some are warm positive experiences, some are benign, and others are truly scary if you are not prepared for the strange and unexplained things.

Deputy Sheriff
Sunday, 29 April 2012 16:36

In my jurisdiction there stands a home that is over 100 years old. The area I work in as strong historical significance to slavery and the abolishitonist movement. At the time of my expereince this home was uninhabitated.

The home was a brick three story victorian style home on a large corner lot. My partner and I got called to the residence one evening to investigate a possible burglary. A neighbor close by noticed an open door and called the police. This seemed strange to my partner and I because we had worked that district together for nearly 3 years and had never been aware of any problems at that house.

School Zone Ticket - Fine Taken Away
Sunday, 30 October 2011 04:51

Yes, about 16 yrs. ago, in Erie, Pa. a police officer Richard Burchick, was shot and killed by a 18 yr. old kid, when officer Burchick was chasing him about a stolen car, reports of drugs, and gun fire comin from a car full of his buddys.

Officer Burchick left a wife and 3 young children behind.

my unusual experiences during my 30 years as a police officer
Saturday, 29 October 2011 22:56

About 20 years ago I was working the 12-8 shift in a small city south of Boston called Plymouth. I was driving north on Rt 3 near the central part of the city when at 3:00A.M. I suddenly saw two bright lights floating around an apartment building which was situated East near the state forest area. I pulled over and got out of my cruiser and watched the lights, wondering what they were.

Saved by a policeman
Saturday, 29 October 2011 22:13

I am not a policeman, but I do have experience where I'm pretty sure one saved my life.

When The Devil Looks Back
Wednesday, 16 December 2009 10:46

In 1992, I was a California Highway Patrol Officer. I was patrolling the back roads of Kern County California, just outside of Bakersfield, CA. It was 5 pm on a Sunday afternoon, 106 degrees. I initiated an enforcement stop on a vehicle which was weaving side to side. As I made the stop I noticed that there were two male passengers and the driver.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009 14:13
One night while doing property inspections in back of the Ryan Elemantary School in Bronson, Michigan. I went back to the athletic building which is aprox 100 yards from the school. I could not go around the buliding for there were red flags all around it. I parked my patrol car facing the bulding with head lights and spot light on.
The Golden Shield
Saturday, 17 October 2009 01:36
In the summer of 2004 at 0230 hours (or around that time frame), my patrol partner and I was doing "routine” patrol, the one of our traffic patrols noticed a vehicle parked in the wood line of Pike field. When they approached the vehicle they had the driver step out and they started questioning her on why she was parked in the wood line. While they were talking with the driver a male step out of the back of the vehicle.
Divine Intervention
Friday, 09 October 2009 16:58
It was in October(?)of 1988 and I was returning to my Dad´s in Birmingham, Al from working my shift at Tuscaloosa PD and a part-time job as well. Considering the 57mile one-way trip and the short time for sleep before going back to work the next morning, I never, ever stopped for anything until I arrived at home. I had been doing that same routine for several months.
That one night, I had an overwhelming thirst for a Coke on the way and stopped, money in hand, got my Coke and was back driving in probably less than 60 seconds. About 4-5 miles from my Dad´s I was the first car at the scene of a head-on collision.
What makes the JOB worth it
Friday, 09 October 2009 07:49

Years ago I responded to a baby drowning. I got that baby assistance and she lived. About 4 years after that I was driving by the same residence and stopped. I spoke with the mother who called her child from across the street and said this is the man that saved you. I got a hug. That more than made up for being shot at and shooting someone.
12 years--NOPD

Dream Work
Many years ago, I was investigating the death of a twenty-two-year-old male. The victim lived with his parents, though he was home alone when the accident occurred. His mother returned home to find her son dead in the dining room, with a .22 caliber rifle near his body.

Bizarre Weather
When I was a brand-new recruit at the New Buffalo Post I was assigned to work with Larry Boger. Trooper Boger was a short, stocky, stubborn, older man with a gruff voice, deep lines on his face, gray hair, and a cigarette in his mouth. He was my training officer. He was the epitome of what we call "old school." I was green and shy.


My Fathers Ghost

My father died at the age of eighty-two. This in itself is not significant to anyone but his family. What happened four days later though, is.


For nearly seventeen years I’ve patrolled the streets of San Diego, California. I began my career in the late 1980s, when the rock cocaine epidemic was at its peak, crystal methamphetamine was exploding onto the scene, and gangs openly wore colors and engaged in drug-fueled battles over territory.

I’ve worked in poverty-stricken neighborhoods with bad schools; middle-class neighborhoods with working-class everyday folk; ultra-wealthy, gated communities with high-walled homes; and border communities where the only thing that separates have and want is a piece of corrugated steel fence.

A Dangerous Situation

One late afternoon in August, I received a call on a domestic assault in progress. The assault occurred at a house just outside of town and involved a husband and wife. I was a brand-new deputy and didn’t have much experience under my belt.

As I was driving down the dirt road, within a mile of the residence, I had the sudden urge to roll up my window. Keep in mind, this was a hot summer day, and I was only minutes from the house. Was it a sixth sense, divine guidance, or an angel telling me what to do? I don’t know. I do know, however, I followed the urge and rolled up the window.


Angels are messengers, but sometimes we misunderstand their language.
-- Linda Solegato

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